Welcome to Supported Employment MK. We are a specialist support team working within Community Learning MK enabling adults with extra support needs to gain successful employment.

What we do

  • Personalised vocational profiling that supports people to determine their own skills, abilities and job preferences.
  • One-to-one support at job search and application stage.
  • Interview preparation including mock interview simulations.
  • Arrange work trials to practice work skills and trial industry areas.
  • Travel training to ensure you can get to and from work.
  • Your Job Coach will support you for the first few months while you learn the skills you need and feel confident in your new role.

Our process

Once a referral has been made ...

  1. Initial Assessment - One-to-one meeting to discuss personal details, likes and dislikes and job aspirations.
  2. Training Needs and Assessment - Mini work-related tasks to see skill levels and training needs including vocational profiling.
  3. Application Stage - One-to-one support with applying for jobs, preparing for work, work experience opportunities and developing skills.
  4. Employment Gained - We will monitor progress with you and your employer, to establish ongoing support needs.
  5. Independent Employment - We will fade our support once you are trained and offer further support if needed in the future.

Other support we offer

We can:

  • liaise with benefit agencies if needed.
  • support at annual reviews.
  • offer a range of work-related training courses.

What we don't or can't do

  • We are not a Day Service provider.
  • We cannot guarantee which day your job will be.
  • After we have completed the job coaching process, we cannot support you in the workplace permanently.
  • We are here to support you to look for work.
  • We cannot support other issues but we can signpost you to other services for support.

Our key priorities are to:

  • ensure more people with care and support needs have the opportunity to work.
  • promote the benefits of supported employment with local employers.
  • ensure people with care and support needs are given the support necessary to find sustainable and meaningful employment.


SEMK Employability Course

We offer a 10-week course to complete a detailed profile of individuals. The course covers skills required within the workplace including communication and interview skills. At the end of the 10 weeks, a pathway to employment will be established and a job coach will be allocated.

To enquire about our services, or for further information about the course, please email us using the contact details below.


If you are a parent or carer of someone with care and support needs or if you have care and support needs yourself, you can contact the adult social care hub for more information.

Supported Employment MK

Supported Employment MK contact information

Community Learning MK, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ