You will work towards:
- Understanding a few familiar spoken words and phrases.
- Saying and repeating single words and short simple phrases.
- Recognising and reading out a few familiar words and phrases.
- Writing and copying simple words and symbols correctly.
Next steps
You will work towards:
- Understanding a range of familiar spoken phrases.
- Answering simple questions and giving basic information.
- Understanding and reading out familiar written phrases.
- Writing one or two short sentences with support, using expressions which you have already learnt.
Moving onto improvers
You will work towards:
- Understanding the main points from a short, spoken passage made up of familiar language.
- Asking and answering simple questions and talking about your interests.
- Understanding the main points from a short, written text in clear printed script.
- Writing a few short sentences with support, using expressions which you have already learnt.
Improvers Year 1
You will work towards:
- Understanding the main points and some of the detail from a spoken passage made up of familiar language and simple sentences.
- Taking part in a simple conversation and expressing your opinions.
- Understanding the main points and some of the details from short written texts in familiar contexts.
- Writing a short text on a familiar topic, adapting language which you have already learnt.
Improvers Year 2
You will work towards:
- Understanding the main points and opinions in spoken passages made up of familiar material from various contexts.
- Giving a short, prepared talk on a topic of your choice, including expressing your opinions.
- Understanding the main points and opinions in written texts from various contexts.
- Writing a short text on a range of familiar topics, using simple sentences.
You will work towards:
- Understanding longer passages and recognising people’s point of view.
- Understanding unprepared questions in a conversation or following a presentation.
- Understanding longer texts and recognising people’s points of view.
- Writing a text e.g. a report, article or story, conveying opinions and points of view.
If you are still unsure about which class to choose or have any other questions you can contact us on 01908 252500 or email the Curriculum Manager for Languages.
Community Learning - Adult Education
Community Learning - Adult Education contact information
- 01908 252500
CLMK Learning Centre, MK Central Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3HL