School Streets
Schools Streets Pilot Update
A temporary School Streets Pilot run in partnership with Chestnuts Primary, Cold Harbour C of E, and The Loughton School has drawn to a close. The pilot scheme restricted vehicle access on the school road during drop-off and pick-up times in order to assess the impact on congestion, air pollution, and the experience for families of walking or cycling to school.
A small minority of drivers ignored the rules which raises safety concerns and means the pilot cannot continue in its current form. While the ending of the pilot means no additional restrictions on vehicles around these schools, we urge drivers to think twice where possible about driving close to the school, and as always to observe local parking restrictions, as ad hoc parking enforcement will continue – as is the case at all schools across the city.
MK City Council will now review the feedback received during the pilot, which has been largely positive, and will seek greater enforcement powers from the Department for Transport in advance of potentially reinstating the pilot at these schools and rolling out School Streets to other locations in the city.
Introduction of School Streets
On 31 January 2022, the Council introduced a new School Streets pilot scheme for Chestnuts and Cold Harbour Schools in West Bletchley. The new pilot scheme is an approach to transforming road safety and air quality outside schools, so that pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised during school drop off and pick up times. School Streets will help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school entrance, making it safer for parents and pupils to walk or cycle to school. In order to introduce these pedestrian zones, the Council has implemented an experimental prohibition of motor vehicles restriction on part of St Georges Road (for Chestnuts School) and Highland Close (for Cold Harbour School) during school drop off and pick up times. The experimental restrictions will remain in operation until 31 July 2022.
The Council has a duty under section 122 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 when making TROs to consider the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic and other traffic.
During the first 6 months of the Pilot Scheme, the Council will formally consult on the experimental prohibition of motor vehicle restrictions. Any person wishing to object to the making of the Experimental Order for the purpose of such indefinite continuation should put their objection in writing stating the title of the relevant Order, and the grounds on which the objection is made, and send it to the Council’s Traffic Regulation Order Team at quoting reference ETRO-020, to be received within a period of 6 months beginning with the day on which the Experimental Order comes into operation.
The closing date for this consultation is 5pm on 13 December 2022. Further information on the statutory consultation can be found here.
The Council will consider in due course whether the provisions of the Experimental Order should be continued in force indefinitely.
We would appreciate feedback on the scheme and are asking residents who live near to a School Street to complete a short questionnaire.
What is a School Street?
School Streets is an approach to transforming road safety and air quality outside schools, where streets are closed to motor traffic at the start and end of the school day so that pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised at school start and finish times. This helps reduce congestion and air pollution, making it easier and safer to walk or cycle to school and creating a more pleasant environment for everyone.
The aim of School Streets
- Reduce the traffic and parking pressures outside schools
- Discourage car journeys to school and encourage active travel – walking and cycling
- Make the streets outside schools safer at the start and end of the day
- Improve air quality and create a more pleasant environment for everyone
How it works
The streets around a school become a temporary pedestrian and cycle zone in the morning and afternoon. Vehicles are not permitted to enter between these times unless they are identified to be exempt. Please see the FAQs for all those exemptions.
How schools are selected
Every school within the Borough was considered for the pilot. We have considered a few factors when selecting the schools to pilot this scheme, such as:
- Road Classification, the road the school was situated on and the potential impact on surrounding roads.
- Bus Route, the potential impact it would cause to buses.
What is an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO)?
This scheme will be delivered using an experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO) under Sections 9 & 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, which can stay in place for a maximum of 18 months to monitor and assess the impact. An ETRO imposes traffic and parking restrictions such as road closures, controlled parking and other parking regulations indicated by double or single yellow lines.
Which Schools will be involved?
Chestnuts Primary School
Restrictions will begin on 31 January 2022.
Roads with restricted access
Restrictions will be on St George’s Road with access restricted from St Clements Drive to St Patrick’s Way.

Chestnuts Primary School
Restricted access times
- 8.15am – 8.55am
- 2.45pm – 3.30pm
Cold Harbour C of E School
Restrictions will begin on 14 February 2022.
Roads with restricted access
Restrictions will be on Highland Close up to the junction of Kincardine Drive.

Cold Harbour C of E School
Restricted access times
- 8.20am – 8.55am
- 2.45pm – 3.30pm
Loughton School
Restrictions will begin on 13 June 2022.
Roads with restricted access
Restrictions will be on Bradwell Road with access restricted from Paynes Drive to London Road.

Loughton School
Restricted access times
- 8.15am – 8.55am
- 2.45pm – 3.30pm
The Premier Academy
We have instated a pause on The Premier Academy’s School Street. It has come to our attention that there is a planning restriction on the access gate on Tiffany Close. This is the entrance that was planned to be used during the School Street initiative. We are working with The Premier Academy to help resolve this and we hope they will be able to be part of the scheme in the very near future.
Contact us by email at or read our FAQs for more information.