Read the Guidance Notes for the SCP Grant
Applications to this fund have now closed. The application window will reopen again in 2026.
MK City Council has set aside a grant of £40k per year to help up to eight local schools employ their own School Crossing Patroller (lollipop person) to help provide a safe crossing place for pupils.
All local authority schools may apply to the fund for up to a maximum grant of £5k which they will receive for three years. Training, uniform, and the permission to temporarily close a road to traffic will still be provided by MKCC.
All applications will be assessed and scored based on a set of criteria including the location, existing safety issues and number of pupils that will benefit. It includes primary, nursery and secondary schools. A final shortlist of eight schools will be compiled from the scoring and these schools will be offered the grant. If they do not accept, the next school on the scoring list will be offered and so on.
Consideration will also be given to schools that are proactive with road safety education and a commitment to encouraging sustainable travel options to and from school.
This new process allows us to work with schools to provide a crossing patroller where it is needed most rather than the previous process which tied the role to one school indefinitely.
It also means that the system is more fluid, allowing for changes in the local area such as the introduction of a pedestrian crossing or the impact of a large development to be considered.
The grant will be paid for up to three years. After this time the application process begins again, and all MK schools may apply again to the grant.
If you have any questions about the grant please email