The New City Plan


The New City Plan will take forward Milton Keynes City Council’s Strategy for 2050 which set out a bold and ambitious vision for MK over the next 28 years, including equal opportunities for all, ‘lifelong’ homes that suit people at all stages of their life, and a pioneering mass rapid transit system. 

The role of the New City Plan is to deliver on the vision set out in the Strategy for 2050 and to do so sustainably. It will also build on the award-winning previous Plan:MK from 2019 and will plan the city’s development until 2050. 

Delivering on the Strategy for 2050 is also a key part of the Council Plan to build an environment that is able to thrive, is progressive and delivers a sustainable future for new and existing residents. 

The City Council wants to work with local people, businesses and organisations on the New City Plan, which it intends to be ambitious and innovative with a focus on high-quality sustainable growth, genuinely affordable housing and new job opportunities.  

As part of this we have launched a series of engagement activities set out below.

Carbon and Climate Study Public Consultation 

Milton Keynes City Council ran a consultation on a Carbon and Climate Study in October 2023. The comments, once collated, will help to shape the policies and the strategy of the New City Plan. Please check this page regularly for updates.

A New Design Code for Milton Keynes: MK Design Code Scoping Consultation

 We are consulting the public and other stakeholders to seek your views on the preparation of the City’s Design Codes.

Design codes provide a local framework for creating beautiful and distinctive places with a consistent and high-quality standard of design. Design codes are set to become part of all local authority development plans, in line with national planning policy. 

The MK Design Code will be produced alongside the New City Plan. The MK Design Code will be an important tool to help achieve these ambitions. It is an opportunity to identify the key design challenges we face when trying to achieve the ambition and objectives for the New City Plan and address these through clear design standards. 

A non-statutory consultation of the ‘A New Design Code for Milton Keynes: MK Design Code Scoping Consultation’ document will give the public and stakeholders a chance to comment and have their say on the approach we propose to take and on what our MK Design Code should include.  

With the MK Design Code being in the early stages of preparation, this consultation is the first opportunity to get involved and shape the scope and direction of our MK Design Code from the very beginning.  

View the A New Design Code for Milton Keynes: MK Design Code Scoping Consultation’ Comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 19 January 2024. 

People Friendly and Healthy Places Survey

We have published a survey asking people to tell us how they use their local neighbourhood, such as whether they find it easy to shop, take children to school, and enjoy green space; what changes would improve their mental and physical health; and what would make them more likely to use local facilities. It runs until 23 February 2024

By providing most people's everyday needs and access to essential services within a short walk, wheel, cycle, or scoot of their homes, we can increase convenience and help people to lead more social and healthier lives.

This can reduce dependence on private cars, although some people rely on using a car, for instance people with disabilities, or to reach destinations out of the neighbourhood for work, leisure, and other reasons. 

Click to take part in the survey.

Ambition and Objectives and Sustainability Appraisal Scoping consultation

Milton Keynes City Council held a consultation on the Ambition & Objectives of the New City Plan; as well as on the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping report. The consultation was open between 9am on Tuesday, 31st January 2023 and 5pm on Thursday, 16th March 2023.

Milton Keynes City Council is now considering the submissions it received during the consultation period and this page will be updated with further information in due course. Many thanks to all residents and organisations who took the time to share their thoughts. 

The consultation documents remain available below, but the Council cannot accept any further submissions.

Consultation documents

Emerging evidence base

Planning enquiries contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ