Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan - Previous Stages

May 2021

At the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan that took place on 6 May 2021, 2385 of the votes cast were in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan being made part of the Development Plan for Milton Keynes and 461 were against. The turnout was 36.72%. The Declaration of Results can be seen here. (PDF, 13KB)

Following the successful referendum, the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan is now in force as part of the statutory development plan for the area covered by Stantonbury parish and will be used when making decisions on planning applications in this area.

Referendum Information - 6 May 2021

A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021

The question which will be asked in the Referendum is:

'Do you want Milton Keynes Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Stantonbury to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'

The Referendum area is identified on the map within the Information Statement which is available below. This is the same as the designated Neighbourhood Plan area for Stantonbury.

Residential Referendum

A person is entitled to vote in the Residential Referendum if, on 6 May 2021:

  • he or she is entitled to vote in a local government election in the referendum area and
  • his or her qualifying address for the election is in the Referendum area. A person’s qualifying address is, in relation to a person registered in the register of electors, the address in respect of which he or she is entitled to be so registered. 

Referendum expenses

The Referendum expenses limit that will apply to this Referendum is £2,852.880.

The Referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.

Specified documents

A number of "specified documents" have to be published for the Referendum. These provide information about the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan and the planning system in general.

The specified documents can be viewed here:


If you have any questions contact us:

• call 01908 691691, Monday to Friday (10:00 – 17:15)

• email 

• visit the Planning Policy pages of our website


April 2020

The referendum relating to the adoption of the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan, which was due to be held on Thursday 7 May 2020 has been postponed as a consequence of the coronavirus outbreak.  

This postponement has been confirmed through The Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections and Referendums) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.  These regulations exercise powers vested in the Secretary of State, via the Coronavirus Act, to postpone and defer referendums due to be held between 7 May 2020 and 5 May 2021. The Act and Regulations provide that any neighbourhood plan referendums arising in the above period are deferred until Thursday 6 May 2021.  However, the Secretary of State does have the power to lay further regulations allowing for an earlier commencement.


February 2020

Decision statement following receipt of Examiner's report

Following the receipt of the Examiner's report following the re-examination of the Neighbourhood Plan, Milton Keynes Council has decided that the plan, as modified, should proceed to a referendum. Further information about the referendum will follow shortly. The Examiner's report and the Council's Decision Statement, including the modifications to be made to the Plan, can be viewed by following the links below: 


January 2020

A further examination has been deemed necessary to examine policies SNP14, SNP16 and SNP17 of the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan.  Mr Andrew Ashcroft has been appointed to carry out the examination.

The Council notified individuals and organisations who made comments on the submitted Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan and statutory bodies.  The following responses were received during the consultation period:

November 2019

The Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's report was received in June 2019.  The Examiner, in his report, has recommended that policies SNP14, SNP16 and SNP17 should be deleted from the Plan.

Milton Keynes Council has considered the Examiner’s report and accepts all of the recommendations apart from those relating to policies SNP14, SNP16 & SNP17.  In the Council’s view, these policies are capable of being amended in order to overcome the Examiner’s concerns and to meet the basic conditions.  The Council proposes to retain policies SNP14, SNP16 and SNP17 with modifications.

As Milton Keynes Council is proposing to take a different decision to that recommended by the Examiner with regard to the deletion of policies SNP14, SNP16 & SNP17, it must now notify certain people and organisations, as required by Regulation 17A of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as introduced by Regulation 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations, 2016). Individuals and organisations who have made comments on the submitted Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan and statutory bodies are being notified of the Council’s proposed decision.

There are a number of documents that the Council is publishing in support of this proposed decision, these are available on the links below:

The proposed decision to retain policies SNP14, SNP16 & SNP17 is available for comments for 8 weeks from Wednesday 20 November 2019 to Wednesday 15 January 2020.  Any comments on the proposed decision must be received at the following address before 5pm on Wednesday 15 January 2020.

By post to:


Milton Keynes Council

Civic Offices

1 Saxon Gate East

Central Milton Keynes



July 2019

 The Council has received the Examiner’s report on the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan.

March 2019

Following the publicity period on the submitted Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan, Milton Keynes Council has appointed Nigel McGurk  to conduct an examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.  The examiner’s main role is to ensure that the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions and is able to proceed to referendum.

Should the examiner consider that a hearing is required as part of the examination then further information and arrangements for that will appear on this web page.

Comments received during publicity period


Submitted Neighbourhood Plan documents: 

January 2019

Stantonbury Parish Council submitted the Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan to Milton Keynes Council on 3 December 2018.

In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations, 2012, Milton Keynes Council is now publicising the submitted Neighbourhood Plan and its accompanying documents for six weeks from Friday 25 January 2019 to 5pm on Friday 8 March 2019.

The Publicity Summary Statement (PDF, 179KB) provides more information about the plan and the consultation arrangements.

The Submitted Neighbourhood Plan and its accompanying documents can be found as follows:

Following the publicity period, an independent examiner will be appointed to consider the neighbourhood plan and any comments received during the consultation.  The examiner will decide if the plan and its policies meet the basic conditions that all neighbourhood plans must comply with and whether the plan should proceed to a local referendum.

Making comments

Any comments on the submitted Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan must be received at the following address before 5pm on Friday 8 March 2019.

By post to:  Neighbourhood Planning, c/o UDLA, Milton Keynes Council, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

By email to:

Please be aware that all comments that we receive will be publicly available and may be included on our website.

A paper copy of the submitted Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan and its accompanying documents is also available to inspect at the following locations:

  • Milton Keynes Council Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ, during normal office hours 9am-5.15pm
  • Central Library - View opening hours here.
  • Wolverton Library - View opening hours here.
  • Stantonbury Parish Council Office, 126 Kingsfold, Bradville, Milton Keynes, MK13 7DX

Following a Delegated Decision on the 14 April 2015, the area put forward by Stantonbury Parish Council in their Neighbourhood Plan Area Application has now been approved as a Neighbourhood Plan Area.

To comply with regulation 7 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Milton Keynes Council is publicising the following details:

Submission and Consultation

In April 2015, Stantonbury Parish Council applied to Milton Keynes Council, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, to designate a Stantonbury Neighbourhood Plan Area.

The application and a statement explaining why and how Stantonbury Parish Council intends to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, and how the organisation and area meet the conditions of Section 61G(2) and 61F(5) of the Town And Country Planning Act, 1990 can be viewed at:

In accordance with Regulation 6 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Milton Keynes Council consulted residents and other interested stakeholders on this application. The Consultation ran for a 6 week period from Wednesday 13 May 2015 to Wednesday 10 June 2015. A copy of the consultation statement can be viewed at the link below.

This was not a consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan itself, but merely the identification of the area for which the parish or town council wished to prepare a neighbourhood development plan.