Advice, guidance and support for Neighbourhood Planning

External Support

There are many resources to help you understand and achieve neighbourhood planning:

Milton Keynes Council Support

We provide support at key stages of the neighbourhood planning process, as detailed in the following documents:

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum: A brief guide for campaigners and local ward councillors (PDF, 227KB) 

How Milton Keynes Council can help with your Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 93KB)

Neighbourhood Planning in Milton Keynes (PDF, 1.4MB)

Where to Find the Evidence Base Information

Neighbourhood development plans should be based on a proper understanding of the local issues and effective community engagement. This must be evidenced in proportion to the scope and detail of the plan.

We can assist and direct parishes to existing information or advise on obtaining additional data.


The evidence used to produce Plan:MK may contain useful information on topics such as housing, employment, transport, retail, conservation and recreation.

Development Plans

Development Plans contact information

Postal address: , Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ