Minerals and Waste Development Monitoring Data

This page shares all the data gathered from monitoring of waste and minerals development, in conjunction with the Authority Monitoring Report. There are links to additional data from the monitoring of minerals and waste sites in Milton Keynes.

Minerals and Waste Site Monitoring Plan

Our Minerals and Waste Site Monitoring Plan sets out how we will monitor minerals and waste planning permissions within the administrative area of Milton Keynes. The document contains information about our monitoring and enforcement teams, the scope of the proposed monitoring programme, frequency of visits, and how we will carry these out. Also included is an explanation of site monitoring fees we will charge, where applicable. A PDF version of the Minerals and Waste Site Monitoring Plan is available here.

Implementation of the measures in the Plan will help us to ensure planning permissions are being complied with, and to build up a detailed picture of waste and minerals activities in the area. This will help us to plan more effectively for the management of waste and supply of minerals in Milton Keynes.

Local Aggregates Assessment 

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires Minerals Planning Authorities (MPAs) to plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates by preparing an annual Local Aggregates Assessment (LAA). The LAA is required to:

  • Forecast the future demand for aggregates based on average of 10 year sales data and other relevant local information, and
  • Make an assessment of all aggregate supply options,

This is the 2023 version of the LAA and includes the most recent (2023) aggregate sales and reserves data for Milton Keynes. The 10 year period covered by this LAA is 2014 up to 2023. 

 Read more about the Minerals Policy.