Local Development Scheme

What is a Local Development Scheme?

Milton Keynes City Council is required to prepare a Local Development Scheme (LDS) under section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended). The LDS sets out the local plan documents that the Council intends to take forward over the next three years and the timetable for producing them.

The Council’s new LDS covering the period 2025-2027 was agreed at the Delegated Decision meeting on 25 February 2025. It sets out the timescales for the preparation of the MK City Plan 2050 to be submitted for examination in 2026. 

The LDS does not include the detailed timescales for the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans as these are led by Town and Parish Councils on behalf of their local communities, and the timescales for their production are outside of our control. However, once 'made' by Milton Keynes City Council, they will become part of the Development Plan, and will be used in the determination of relevant planning proposals.


Local Development Scheme 2025 - 2027

The following document provides the LDS for Milton Keynes for the years 2025 to 2027. It outlines the existing documents that make up the current Development Plan for Milton Keynes and provides details on the future Development Plan and the plan preparation timescales:

Local Development Scheme - Milton Keynes City Council

Planning enquiries contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ