Enforcement Notice Appeal – Ref - 23/00163/ENF - 50 Wolverton Road, Haversham, Milton Keynes MK19 7AA

Enforcement Notice was issued on 02/05/2024 for the following:

  • The unauthorised Operational Development that allows access to and from the site provides inconvenient manoeuvrability for existing and future users, further impacting the safety of other highway users and pedestrians, conflicting with the requirements of Policies CT2 and CT10 of Plan:MK (2019) 

The Enforcement Notice has been appealed by the appellant - the relevant documents relating to the appeal will be available here.

Further guidance on appeals, and how to get involved, are available from the GOV.UK website. 

The appeal process starts with the opportunity for interested parties to submit written representations to the Inspector. The Council is required to notify all those notified of the original application and those that have shown an interest in providing representations, a copy of the letter is available in our document library.

Comments previously made by interested parties will be taken into account by the Inspectorate. It is not necessary to submit comments again unless it is felt necessary to amend, supplement or withdraw them.

Where can I view the appeal documents?

The appeal documents will be available for inspection on our document library

Where will the decision be published?

The decision on the appeal will be published on GOV.UK.