Milton Keynes Historic Environment Record (HER) is the main database for information on the historic environment in Milton Keynes.
It includes archaeological sites and investigations, including maps, plans, photographs and reports. This collection is held in the Civic Offices, which you can access by making an appointment through the council’s Archaeological Officer. Please note that this information is not suitable for family history research. The majority of Milton Keynes HER records are available to search on the Heritage Gateway website.
HER search requests
Please note that we will not be able to process HER enquiries or data requests between Friday 21 February and Friday 14 March 2025.
HER search requests or enquiries should be forwarded to Charges are in place for commercial/development related searches.
Further information on charges and access to the HER may be found in the current HER Access and Charging Policy document.
Conservation and Archaeology contact information
- 07876 003376
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ