Temporarily suspending parking restrictions

S278 Suspensions (Developer Only)

For section S278 suspensions please e-mail mkparking@milton-keynes.gov.uk or telephone 01908 252309.

Suspension of bays

You can apply to have a parking bay(s) temporarily suspended.  Signs will also be erected advising other motorists that they cannot park in that bay(s).  If other motorists do park in the bay, we can issue a parking fine.  We will not suspend disabled parking bays unless absolutely necessary. The charge for a suspension of bay(s) is £15 per bay per day.

To apply for a suspension you will need to register for an account and complete the application.

When submitting an application for a suspension please supply the exact details of the location required with a map or plan of the area and allow 10 days' notice - the more notice you allow, the higher the chance of the suspension being permitted. 

Dispensation of Restriction

You can apply for a dispensation of restrictions.  This will allow you to park in a place where you would otherwise not be permitted, e.g. on yellow lines or for longer than allowed in a time limited area. The charge for a dispensation is £15 per day.

There must be a valid reason for the suspension or dispensation such as:

  • building, industrial or demolition purposes
  • maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the parking place or highway
  • removal of furniture
  • weddings and funerals
  • special occasions

To apply for a suspension or dispensation, you will need to register for an account and complete the application. For queries please email miltonkeynespermits@imperial.co.uk or call 01604 625608.