Changes to parking tariff from 31st March
From 31st March, parking tariff charges in MK city centre will change for the first time in nearly a decade. Find out what’s changing at Where to park | Milton Keynes City Council
Double yellow lines mean 'No Parking' at any time and can help to tackle obstructive parking issues or road safety problems such as blocked visibility at a junction. They no longer require signs to be enforceable except where a seasonal exception is in place.
Double yellow lines may only be installed following the completion of a legal process to create a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). This makes them enforceable under the law.
You can find out more about road line markings in our Mini Guide.
The TRO process can be a lengthy process including both informal and formal statutory public consultations. If there are several objections, this may delay the TRO process even further as these have to be considered and possibly incorporated into the proposals.
We also ask for comments from the emergency services, elected members and other interested parties.
Previously anyone could submit a request for double yellow lines which would be considered by the Highways service however many proposals did not get past the first stage due to significant objections from the local community.
From 1 January 2024 the Council is changing how we accept requests for double yellow lines.
Any requests from residents must go through the local parish, town or community council. To find out which one covers the location you wish to request double yellow lines for, visit the My MK Mapping tool. Type in the postcode or street name then click on the My Property tab. Scroll down to see the local parish information.
Milton Keynes has 48 parish, town and community councils. They have a unique relationship with the local community so can gauge support for a potential scheme before submitting an application to the Highways TRO team.
By changing this process we will be able to reduce the number of applications submitted to us that do not have local support, streamline those applications that do, raise awareness of any potential new traffic orders and help to engage with the local community on parking and road safety issues.
If you want to apply for double yellow lines, contact your local parish, town or community council. You may find the details here.
If you are a parish, town or community council and wish to apply following a community consultation, please use the Request form template below.
To help parishes collect local support for a scheme, we've put together some useful templates to use. You can download or view these below.
Double Yellow Line request - request form
Double Yellow Line applications - Guidance Notes
How to run an informal consultation - Guide
Double Yellow Line application process - stages 1-6