Parishes Forum and Area Forums

Parishes Forum

The Parishes Forum meets four times a year and is a public meeting for all parish councils.

The Forum:

  • Considers and debates matters of interest presented by parish councils or Milton Keynes Council
  • Discusses or resolves issues raised by a parish council that have a broader interest to more than one parish council
  • Requests a report of information from a Milton Keynes Council officer
  • Be informed about matters of interest by external bodies such as the NHS
  • Receive reports from other consultative bodies on matters that might affect the members of the Forum, e.g. Transport Partnership, Local Area Forums, and makes recommendations to Milton Keynes Council and other bodies

Area Forums

Area Forums can be a vital mouthpiece for expressing views of the local community on both local and borough wide issues which can then inform the work of the central Cabinet of Milton Keynes Council giving:

  • Enhanced public involvement and discussion
  • Clearer articulation of issues of local concern
  • Co-ordinated response

They involve Ward Councillors for each particular area, together with representatives of local parish councils, and meetings are open to the public.

Area Forums provide additional overview and scrutiny of council services in the context of more efficient, transparent and accountable decision making.

The forums allow public debate on important local issues which often extend beyond remit of the town, parish or borough councils.

Further details of each of these meetings can be obtained by emailing