Parishes Advisory Group (PAG)

The Parishes Advisory Group (PAG) was set up approximately nine years ago, originally to work alongside MKCC officers and the Cabinet member with responsibility for Parish Partnerships, to ensure that the Parishes Forum agenda represented the needs and the requirements of the parishes themselves. The Cabinet Member with responsibility for Parish Partnerships (currently Councillor Amber McQuillan) chairs the Parishes Forum. A vice chair is elected to serve for two years, by ballot at the Parishes Forum. This role is currently held by Cllr Sue Smith (Woughton Community Council).  The chair and vice chair also hold the same roles on the Parishes Advisory Group (PAG).

The role of the PAG has evolved over the years, and its Terms of Reference details its purpose as: 

  • To advise the Cabinet Member on matters of mutual interest to MKCC and the parishes and make any appropriate and relevant recommendations to MKCC or hold engagement / consultations with the parishes. 
  • To shape and agree approaches on key issues and pieces of work before wider circulation to parishes 
    • Sub Working/Task Groups may be set up to focus on the identified areas of concern or progress.  Working / Task Groups will be chaired by a PAG representative and opportunities to attend will be issued to all parish and town councils. This could be parish clerks, parish councillors or a combination of both.
  • To determine way forward for the devolution agenda and ensure that services and
    assets rest with the level of local government that can best maximise the opportunity of particular assets and services to work for the wider community.
  • To consider agenda items for the Parishes Forum, and agree the final agenda for the Parish Forum each quarter. 
  • To foster close co-operation between other stakeholders and partners to ensure the best possible outcomes for the communities that we all work to serve.

We are keen that PAG members reflect the different types of parishes, ie small, medium, large, urban and rural, as well as ensuring members are representative of the diverse make up of Milton Keynes. 

In addition to the Chair and Vice Chair, membership of the PAG consists of

  • A ward councillor from each of the main political parties.
  • Three representatives from the Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils (MKALC) 
  • Three further parish councillors.

Current membership is:   

Chair:  Cllr Amber McQuillan (Ward Councillor – Labour)

Vice:     Cllr Sue Smith (Chair - Woughton Community Council) voted on (as joint role – also Vice Chair of the Parishes Forum)     


Cllr Phil Ayles - MKALC Representative (Chair of Castlethorpe Parish Council, which is a medium rural council)
Cllr Paul Harvey - MKALC Representative (Councillor – West Bletchley Council which is a large urban council)
Cllr Richard Pryor - MKALC Representative (Councillor – Haversham cum Little Linford Parish Council which is a small rural council)

Cllr Veronica Belcher (Chair of West Bletchley Council which is a large urban council)
Cllr Macsene Isles-Ahite (Councillor – Broughton and MK Village Parish Council which is a large urban council)
Cllr Charlotte Hall (Councillor – Old Woughton Parish Council which is a medium urban council)
Cllr Robert Exon (Ward Councillor – Liberal Democrats)

Cllr Alison Andrews (Ward Councillor – Conservatives)        


Kay Pettit – Programme Manager, Parish and Town Councils

Sarah Gonsalves – Director, Customer and Community Services

If you are interested in knowing more about the PAG please get in touch with Kay Pettit