Alexandra Mountcastle Parish Lavendon Brian Stainton Parish Weston Underwood Carole Ann Kelcey Parish Lavendon Chinyere Njideka Ezeh Parish Simpson and Ashland David Tucker Parish Simpson and Ashland Gary Manning Parish Lavendon Jeremy Victor Howson Parish Weston Underwood John Thomas Covington Parish Weston Underwood Julia Reynolds Parish Weston Underwood Louise Mackenzie Parish Lavendon Mark John Covington Parish Weston Underwood Martino Ginepro Parish Lavendon Michael Chapman Parish Lavendon Michael John Rutherford Parish Lavendon Michelle Ramsden Parish Lavendon Peter Barnes Parish Simpson and Ashland Rachelle Dalgarno Parish Simpson and Ashland Ross Eatwell Parish Simpson and Ashland Steve Axtell Parish Lavendon Vincent Biswas Parish Simpson and Ashland