Amandeep Sehgal Parish Shenley Church End Anton Kamm Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Bethan Norfor Parish Shenley Church End Christina Ellen Johnson Parish Shenley Church End Daniel Thomas Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes David Tunney Parish Shenley Church End Ekkehard Thumm Parish Shenley Church End Gail Revill Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Gary Brighton Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Geetha Morla Parish Shenley Church End John Livingstone Hamilton Parish Moulsoe Karen Waters Parish Moulsoe Kenneth Brewis Parish Shenley Church End Macsene Isles-Ahite Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Michael Martin McDonald Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Mohammed Shaffiq Bostan Parish Shenley Church End Olayemi Olayemi Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Pam Loose Parish Shenley Church End Patrick Stiles Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Peter Loose Parish Shenley Church End Samantha Hammond Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Stephen Philip Weller Parish Shenley Church End Steven Mark Waters Parish Moulsoe