Amandeep Sehgal Parish Shenley Church End Barry Clift Parish Haversham cum Little Linford Bethan Norfor Parish Shenley Church End Carol Lesley Langham Parish Haversham cum Little Linford Christina Ellen Johnson Parish Shenley Church End Daniel Hippey Parish Kents Hill and Monkston David Tunney Parish Shenley Church End Ekkehard Thumm Parish Shenley Church End Geetha Morla Parish Shenley Church End Jessica Cunniffe Parish Haversham Kai Chiu Wong Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Kenneth Brewis Parish Shenley Church End Michaela Hippey Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Mohammed Shaffiq Bostan Parish Shenley Church End Pam Loose Parish Shenley Church End Peter Loose Parish Shenley Church End Richard James Pryor Parish Haversham-cum-Little Linford Rick Whyte Parish Haversham cum Little Linford Stephen Fisk Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Stephen Philip Weller Parish Shenley Church End Taimyr Boungo Pouaty Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Vikas Chandra Parish Kents Hill and Monkston