Barry Clift Parish Haversham cum Little Linford Carol Lesley Langham Parish Haversham cum Little Linford Derek John Harpur Parish North Crawley Donald Hoyle Parish Loughton & Great Holm Elaine Zoe Nolan Parish Loughton and Great Holm Gordon George Dalgarno Parish Loughton & Great Holm Hilary Brenda Dyer Parish Loughton & Great Holm James Armstrong Parish North Crawley Janice Claire Weatherley Parish North Crawley Jessica Cunniffe Parish Haversham Judith Heinemann Parish Loughton and Great Holm Laura Butterworth Parish North Crawley Marenza Altieri-Douglas Parish Loughton and Great Holm Mark Eaton Parish Loughton & Great Holm Niels Kearney Parish North Crawley Rebecca Tripp Parish Loughton and Great Holm Richard Chappell Parish Loughton and Great Holm Richard James Pryor Parish Haversham-cum-Little Linford Rick Whyte Parish Haversham cum Little Linford Shanika Mahendran Parish Loughton & Great Holm Steve Garner Parish North Crawley Terence Smith Parish North Crawley Timothy Lee Parish Loughton and Great Holm