Adrian James Moss Parish Wolverton and Greenleys Ansar Basir Hussain Parish Wolverton and Greenleys Anthony Blake Parish Great Linford Beatrice Khumbula Parish Wolverton and Greenleys Bridget Lewis Parish Wolverton and Greenleys Cathy Caves Parish Wolverton and Greenleys Christina Diamandopoulos Parish Olney Christine Onan Parish Great Linford Christopher Daniel Kane Rowland Parish Olney Christopher Neil Tennant Parish Olney Christopher Shaw Parish Olney Colin Scott Rodden Parish Olney Daniel Butcher Parish Wolverton and Greenleys David Chennells Parish Olney David Robertson Parish Wolverton and Greenleys David Tyler Parish Olney Deborah Kay Hall Parish Olney Deborah Whitworth Parish Olney Deirdre Bethune Parish Olney Derek Harvey Parish Great Linford Donna Nicholls Parish Great Linford Franco Iannotta Parish Great Linford Ian Stokes Parish Olney Janet Brindley Parish Great Linford Jimmy El-Zamek Parish Great Linford Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last »