Anton Kamm Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Daniel Thomas Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Darren Merritt Parish Castlethorpe David George Hinds Parish Castlethorpe Derek John Harpur Parish North Crawley Gail Revill Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Gary Brighton Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Ian Clive Markham Parish Castlethorpe James Armstrong Parish North Crawley Janice Claire Weatherley Parish North Crawley Kay Sawbridge Parish Castlethorpe Laura Butterworth Parish North Crawley Macsene Isles-Ahite Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Michael Martin McDonald Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Niels Kearney Parish North Crawley Olayemi Olayemi Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Patrick Stiles Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Philip Stephen Ayles Parish Castlethorpe Russell John Forgham Parish Castlethorpe Samantha Hammond Parish Broughton and Milton Keynes Stephen Bradbury Parish Castlethorpe Steve Garner Parish North Crawley Terence Smith Parish North Crawley