Andrew Geary Parish Hanslope Daniel Hippey Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Darren Merritt Parish Castlethorpe David George Hinds Parish Castlethorpe Dorothy Glen Courtman Parish Hanslope Eileen Helen Price Parish Hanslope Ian Clive Markham Parish Castlethorpe Kai Chiu Wong Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Kay Sawbridge Parish Castlethorpe Michaela Hippey Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Philip Stephen Ayles Parish Castlethorpe Richard Wallond Parish Hanslope Roland Simpkins Parish Hanslope Russell John Forgham Parish Castlethorpe Stephen Bradbury Parish Castlethorpe Stephen Fisk Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Taimyr Boungo Pouaty Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Vikas Chandra Parish Kents Hill and Monkston Waldo Pacheco Parish Hanslope