Caroline Godfrey Parish Bradwell Chinyere Njideka Ezeh Parish Simpson and Ashland Darren Merritt Parish Castlethorpe David Arthur Evans Parish Bradwell David George Hinds Parish Castlethorpe David Stuchbury Parish Bradwell David Tucker Parish Simpson and Ashland Ian Clive Markham Parish Castlethorpe James Alexander Parish Bradwell Kay Sawbridge Parish Castlethorpe Leon Paul Gilpin Parish Bradwell Marie Bradburn Parish Bradwell Mathew Best Parish Bradwell Peter Barnes Parish Simpson and Ashland Peter Brant Parish Bradwell Philip Stephen Ayles Parish Castlethorpe Rachelle Dalgarno Parish Simpson and Ashland Robert L Exon Parish Bradwell Rosemary Jane Davy Parish Bradwell Ross Eatwell Parish Simpson and Ashland Russell John Forgham Parish Castlethorpe Stephen Bradbury Parish Castlethorpe Vincent Biswas Parish Simpson and Ashland