More children in MK receive preferred secondary school place

Glebe Farm School

Thousands of MK pupils find out today (3 March) which secondary school they’ll be moving to in September.

In the last ten years, the City Council has created capacity for 13,601 new school places for local children; building seven new schools and helping 27 existing schools expand.

For places in the coming school year, Milton Keynes City Council received 3,786 applications by the 31 October deadline with 97% gaining one of their top four preferred schools, and 83% of children securing their first choice – an increase of 2% compared to last year. All children have been offered a school place.

“Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated school admissions team and a fantastic network of local schools, the vast majority of pupils have been offered a place at their preferred school. We’ll continue to work with the school community to make sure that local school places are available in line with demand as the city changes and grows.”
- Councillor Joe Hearnshaw, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

A small number of late applications received will be processed during April.  Parents who still need to make an application should complete a late application form before Friday 14 March, available on the council’s website at