(Above, centre) Cllr Joe Hearnshaw - Cabinet Member for Children and Young People with Mac Heath – Director of Children’s Services alongside the team at Westminster House
Following an inspection by Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, the team at a children’s home run by Milton Keynes City Council have been commended for their care and support.
Westminster House in Bletchley provides long-stay residential care and support 365 days a year for children who have complex needs and multiple learning disabilities. The 19-strong team care for up to eight children at any time.
The children have a wide range of activities available to them each day including regular trips, arts and crafts, music lessons, cooking and visits to the park.
Inspectors visited the home in February and spoke with staff, children and their families, social workers and local school staff about their experiences.
In its subsequent report, Ofsted rated the children’s home as ‘good’ and inspectors highlighted ‘pockets of outstanding practice’. Ofsted stated that children like living at the home, feel safe and are well protected. One parent praised the progress made by their child who has “come on leaps and bounds” since moving into the home.
Staff at Westminster House were also commended for knowing each child ‘very well’ and understanding how they prefer to communicate – including gestures, pictures and noises for children who are non-verbal. Inspectors saw that staff are well trained in de-escalation techniques which prevent stressful situations or the need for physical interventions.
“This caring team provides dedicated support for some of the most vulnerable children in the city. I’m pleased that Ofsted recognised the positive impact they have and their ability to really understand the needs of every individual child.”
“I’m proud of the work we do and the important role we play in the lives of young people. This isn’t just about providing care; we want to see all these children succeed regardless of the challenges they may face. We’ll continue to work alongside families, schools, and professionals to achieve the very best outcomes for these children.”
Westminster House was purpose built by the city council in May 2013 and won a Building Excellence Award in 2014 due to its innovative design.