Milton Keynes City Council is urging local people to support rough sleepers in the right way and be wary of professional beggars, especially at this time of year.
Working in partnership with Thames Valley Police, START and MyMiltonKeynes Business Improvement District, the city council is reminding residents and visitors that while begging is often linked to rough sleeping, it’s not always the case. Professional beggars are known to operate in the city centre, and while well-intentioned, giving money to them is doing more harm than good.
The city council works all year round to support vulnerable people who are rough sleeping to help them secure a life off the streets for good. No one needs money to get into its shelter, which offers a safe space, facilities and ongoing support. While not everyone is ready to take the first step straight away, city council colleagues don’t give up on anyone.
People wishing to make a donation should do so through charities such as Shelter or the tap to donate points in the city centre.
Further information about how you can support rough sleepers is available on the city council’s website.