Low-income households in Milton Keynes could be eligible for free insultation, low carbon heating, solar panels and other efficiency measures to help them bring their energy bills down.
Milton Keynes City Council has been successful in securing more than £1 million through the Home Upgrade Grant scheme, which will fund energy efficiency upgrades and clean heating systems for people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.
The grant scheme is open to home-owners, private tenants and landlords. Further details including how to apply can be found on the city council’s website.
Eligible households must be situated in a pre-qualified postcode area (eligible postcodes can be found here) or have either a gross household income of no more than £31,000, or £20,000 after rent or mortgage costs.
The home must also be heated by alternative methods to gas, including electricity, oil, liquid propane gas, and solid fuels.
Householders will be guided through the application, helping them understand the scheme and its eligibility criteria. If eligible for free upgrades, an installer will identify which improvements for the home will provide the greatest benefits and arrange any necessary surveys and installations.
“This is just one of the ways we’re supporting people to manage soaring energy bills and the cost of living crisis. I’m delighted that we’ve secured this funding which will help hardworking people to reduce their energy bills while also protecting our environment. I strongly encourage anyone who thinks they might be eligible to apply as soon as possible.”