Milton Keynes City Council is set to reaffirm its commitment to regeneration projects through a refreshed strategy, which focuses on improving life chances through access to education, jobs and skills.
In recent years, the city council has been working closely with communities across MK to determine priorities for their area and help create healthy, safe and sustainable neighbourhoods. The new strategy which is expected to be approved next week will build on the city council’s progress so far, which includes the ongoing construction of 183 new homes in the Lakes Estate.
New Estate Renewal Forums have been set up in the Lakes Estate, Fullers Slade and Bradville, giving the community a greater say on the future of their neighbourhoods. Other ongoing regeneration work includes the building of 66 new homes in Netherfield, improvement of green spaces, sports facilities and other local assets across regeneration areas. The city council is also overseeing energy efficiency improvements to over 1,500 council homes.
The refreshed strategy has been created to deal with the challenges facing the sector, including new regulatory standards alongside increased costs.
“We’re committed to improving the lives of our residents through this renewed regeneration strategy. We have to be realistic, we don’t have the finances to give everyone new homes, but this strategy ensures we’re able to improve life chances by giving people better access to education and training. I’m really proud of our communities who work alongside us to identify issues and sit down with us to figure out the best way to improve their neighbourhoods.
“Regeneration is much more than just bricks and mortar – it’s about bringing people together and giving them better opportunities in life. We’re doing that already in a number of ways across our estates and I look forward to continuing this work.”