Milton Keynes City Council has joined the European NetZeroCities programme, an ambitious city-to-city learning initiative designed to accelerate efforts to address climate change.
As part of the programme, MK has been twinned with French city, Lyon to share knowledge, strategies and innovative methods in an effort to meet climate change goals and overcome obstacles to achieving net zero emissions.
NetZeroCities will provide the city council with valuable resources to learn about successful methods other cities have used to tackle climate issues. The city council will also have the opportunity to share its own examples of the work it is doing to tackle climate impact such as delivering energy efficiency upgrades in its homes and its impressive EV charging infrastructure.
The partnership with Lyon, a city renowned for its green initiatives will enable MK to build on its strong environmental track record and continue to find solutions to tackle key challenges, including sustainable transport, energy efficiency and other green infrastructure. In particular, the city council is keen to learn from Lyon’s commitment to community engagement with residents, business and organisations in introducing sustainability measures. Lyon is also known for ensuring sustainability projects benefit its most deprived areas, something the city council wants to replicate.
By the end of the 18-month programme, Twin Cities will develop an action plan, which outlines the steps they will take to advance their climate transition efforts. This will be supported by NetZeroCities, who will oversee the programme and facilitate discussions, provide guidance, and help monitor the programme’s impact in Twin and Pilot Cities.
Further information about the programme is available on the NetZeroCities website.
“We’re proud to be part of the NetZeroCities programme to tackle climate change and deliver a healthier future for our citizens. This partnership represents a bold step forward in our commitment to delivering a sustainable future. We look forward to working with Lyon to learn about the work they’re doing and sharing our own experiences as we work together to overcome the barriers we face.”