Above: Leonor recently enrolled on a language course with Community Learning MK, pictured receiving flowers from Jane Sharp, Adult Learning Manager
50,000 local people have completed a course with the City Council’s Community Learning Service (CLMK) in the past decade.
Community Learning MK provides apprenticeships, community learning and education programmes for adults and young people, with more than 400 workshops and courses from Maths, English and IT for adults through to creative and arts-based subjects. Many of these are free and others are charged at a reduced rate for people who are not in work.
The new set of courses for this term includes one designed to boost your tech skills in just four weeks, Italian for beginners, and even breadmaking.
CLMK also offers free practical help for people returning to work including CV and interview preparation and where to find local vacancies, with some courses specifically tailored to residents with learning disabilities who are seeking employment or Further Education.
To find out more about the courses and workshops available visit www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/adult-education or email communitylearning.mk@milton-keynes.gov.uk