Cllr Zoe Nolan, Cabinet Member for Children and Families with Summer of Play provider Action4Youth in Caldecotte
More than 3,000 individual children and young people have signed up to FREE events in a Summer of Play programme funded by MK City Council. During the first week in August, more than 1,500 children attended 168 different activity sessions across Milton Keynes.
For families with children in receipt of benefit related Free School Meals (FSM), Summer of Play provides thousands of free activity sessions from basketball to cookery to trampolining.
Taking place between 31 July and 24 August, each session includes food and at least four hours of activities. Events are running across 55 local locations and venues, with a wide range of sports, crafts, cookery, music and other activities for children of all ages.
There are more than 4,000 places still available for eligible families. To book, simply use the online booking system at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/HAF which also has links to clubs and other events open to all families in Milton Keynes.
“We’ve pulled together some of the best local organisations to deliver a varied and exciting programme for young people. There are still spaces available so please do check out what’s available up until the end of the month.
Alongside those activities specifically for eligible families, everyone can take part in events and clubs – many of which are free - at our children’s centres, libraries and SEND (special educational needs) service. More information and useful links can be found on our website.”
Answers to frequently asked questions and the programme of activities can be found at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/HAF. For any questions not answered online, please email HAF@milton-keynes.gov.uk.