Seventy landlords have signed up to offer longer tenancies to families in need of housing since Milton Keynes City Council launched its 100% rent guarantee and cash incentive scheme last year.
Landlords could receive up to £6,800 as a cash incentive and the City Council guarantees the rent if a tenant is unable to pay, giving landlords added confidence that they won’t be left out of pocket.
The City Council is now seeking more landlords to join the scheme, by offering tenancies to families previously made homeless by another landlord – typically at no fault of their own. Tenancies need to be for a minimum of six months to qualify for a cash incentive.
The scheme also offers landlords:
- Help from the council to find tenants
- The opportunity to receive benefit payments directly
- Free inspections to ensure a property meets Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) standards. If the property fails, landlords will be supported in bringing it up to the required standard
- Free accreditation to the National Resident Landlords Associations (NRLA) in the first year
- Ongoing support to landlords from a dedicated team
The cash incentive is paid in addition to any rent in advance or deposit requested that the City Council can assist with.
Further details can be found at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/AST
“We want everyone in MK to live in a decent home where they don’t have to worry about when the landlord might come knocking on the door asking them to pack their things.
“We’re working alongside landlords to ensure tenants get the best possible deal while ensuring we help these property owners at the same time. It’s a really good deal for everyone involved and I’d encourage landlords to get in touch if they’re able to help.”
“The incentive is extremely helpful and having no fees involved is a huge factor for landlords. For me the experience was very smooth. From the Supply & Acquisitions team visiting the property and securing a tenant quickly.”