(Above) Cllr Zoe Nolan, Cabinet Member for Children and Families with MK City Council colleagues and young people at the True Triumph celebration event in MK on Tuesday
For the next week, MK City Council is celebrating National Care Leavers Week (25 October – 1 November) with a range of events and activities supported by local partners.
On Tuesday night, Oracle Red Bull Racing hosted the City Council’s annual True Triumph event on their Technology Campus. Young people had the chance to play on advanced racing simulators and see some of the team’s famous cars up close.
The City Council is currently supporting 226 care experienced young people. These are young people aged 18-24 years old who have been in care in Milton Keynes.
In MK, care experienced young people who meet the criteria are offered advice and support to help them achieve their aspirations for the future. This includes the allocation of a Personal Advisor, regularly reviewed pathway plans and guidance in areas such as education, accommodation, finances, training and employment.
Additionally, MK City Council has recently employed three care experienced young people in roles within Children’s Services and Housing. The City Council guarantees an interview for any young person with care experience and is encouraging other local organisations to do the same by contacting Richard Lee.
“Our children in care are so full of potential and deserve the same opportunities as any other young people. This week, we are recognising their achievements and celebrating this exciting stage in their lives. We will continue to develop the support we provide and are proud to employ care experienced young people within the city council.”
The week of council-led events includes a football tournament, an information day and a party at Oracle Red Bull Racing’s Technology Campus to celebrate the achievements of these young people.
For further information on the support available for young people leaving care, please visit: www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/children-young-people-and-families/care-leavers-hub