MK’s fourth emergency service: another record year for City Council's Care and Response team

MKCC Care and Response colleagues in a van

Above: The City Council’s Care and Response team make hundreds of home visits each month

  • The 20-strong team answered 232,000 calls from people in need, including almost 1,700 vulnerable people helped after a fall

  • Home visits and reassurance avoids extra demand on local NHS and ambulance service

Milton Keynes City Council’s Care and Response team, who provide essential help to vulnerable people living independently, had their busiest every year in 2022, answering more than 232,000 calls from people in need and assisting 1,678 people who had fallen – potentially avoiding hundreds of calls to 999 at a point when the NHS and ambulance services are facing enormous pressure.

The 20 strong team helps thousands of local people remain independent in their own homes.

As well as giving advice and reassurance over the phone, the trained team make hundreds of home visits every month, often to visit a caller if they’ve had a fall or other difficulties.

As well as contacting family members, they’ll use their expert judgement about whether to alert emergency services.

The team also provides ‘peace of mind’ equipment including alarm units, personal pendants, fall sensors, medication reminders, and bogus caller buttons. The service has recently upgraded its systems to accommodate all forms of calling, from conventional telephone to digital channels.  This means there are more ways than ever to get in touch with the team.

“This incredible team is helping people live independently for longer and their work is more important than ever as our vital NHS and ambulance services face such immense pressure.

“The amazing relationship they have with residents is not just an emotional lifeline but, on many occasions, they provide immediate help that prevents the need for hospital admission.”
- Cllr Emily Darlington, Cabinet Member responsible for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities

Local people can find out more about the services on offer by calling 01908 222 616 or emailing