Mayor of Milton Keynes, Mick Legg and Mayoress Mandy
Cllr Mick Legg is the new Mayor of Milton Keynes for 2023-2024. Mayor Legg was officially bestowed the mayoralty at Milton Keynes City Council’s annual full council meeting yesterday evening (17 May).
This is the first time that a Mayor of Milton Keynes will hold office for a full term since the award of City Status last year. Having grown up in Milton Keynes, the Mayor has promoted the diversity and development of the city, its communities, and its landmarks, and was delighted when Milton Keynes was awarded City Status. He is a strong advocate of the can-do attitude of Milton Keynes, where dreams can become reality when local people work together for the common good. He is looking forward to celebrating why MK is such a great place, including championing the IF: Milton Keynes International Festival, which will take place in July, featuring some world-renowned acts.
Mayor Legg has served residents since 1996 as a councillor representing the Bletchley West ward. Over the years, he has been a cabinet member and chaired various committees, including Planning, Environment, and Licensing / Regulatory services. He has always been active in the local community and is a former Chair of Governors at Wellsmead First School which is now part of Barleyhurst Primary School. He is married to Mandy who will be the Mayoress and has a stepdaughter, Georgia who is currently studying for a PhD at the Open University. The Mayor and Mayoress are looking forward to meeting local people in their communities, businesses, charities, schools and places of worship.
Mayor Legg loves the green open spaces of Milton Keynes and spends time exploring them with Mandy and their dog, Holly. He also enjoys the green spaces that come with being a keen amateur golfer.
Mayor Legg has said that promoting health and wellbeing will be at the top of his agenda. He will be highlighting the excellent work that the voluntary and charitable sector does, often in partnership with other agencies, to make a real difference to local people’s lives.
“This is an enormous honour and an incredibly proud moment for me. I love MK and will work hard to fulfil my duties and be a champion for this great city. I’m really looking forward to meeting different communities to celebrate our rich diversity and all the things that make MK special.”
The two Mayoral charities selected for the year are Harry’s Rainbow and SOFEA.
- Harry’s Rainbow is a child bereavement charity which offers help, support and advice to children and families following the loss of a sibling or parent.
- SOFEA provides education, employability and wellbeing programmes for vulnerable young people. They also tackle food insecurity and the disadvantage it causes while having a positive impact on the environment by reducing food waste.
Donations to the Mayor’s Charities can be made via the following links:
- https://www.justgiving.com/page/mayor-of-milton-keynes-harrysrainbow
- https://www.justgiving.com/page/mayor-of-milton-keynes-sofea
Cllr Marie Bradburn was selected as Deputy Mayor for 2023-2024.
Editors notes
The Mayor of Milton Keynes is a ceremonial role that is held by a city councillor. A new Mayor is selected every year at the annual meeting of the council. The Mayor does not have any decision making powers and instead chairs meetings of the council and carries out civic duties, such as attending events on behalf of the council.