Milton Keynes City Council is asking residents to share their views on the type and location of almost 1,500 electric vehicle charging points to be installed by 2025, as well as on other green travel options.
The city council is seeking feedback for its Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy which it will then use to plan investment into infrastructure around the city. The strategy looks further than electric vehicles, with options for further investment to be considered for e-bikes, electric scooters and other modes of sustainable transport.
People can share their views online through the Commonplace platform. The survey is open until March 2024 to all residents as well as frequent visitors to the city.
“We’re proud to already be known as the best place to own an electric vehicle and this is something we want to build on. If you want to encourage people to make a switch to more sustainable travel, you have to give them the confidence that the infrastructure to support that change is in place. We can only achieve this by working with our communities and listening to what they need. I’d strongly encourage residents and visitors to respond to us, so we can work together to deliver an even greener future for our city.”
The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy is being developed alongside a larger transport strategy; the city’s fifth Local Transport Plan (LTP), which covers proposals for the next 10-15 years, tying in with core strategies such as Milton Keynes Strategy for 2050 and the New City Plan.