A woman from Fullers Slade has been ordered to pay £484 after pleading guilty to dumping waste behind her garden fence.
The Court heard that council officers were patrolling the area of Shearmans, Fullers Slade when they came across a pile of dumped waste containing televisions, mattresses, broken furniture and other unwanted items. Following a council investigation, the woman accepted that some of the waste was hers, but that other people had added rubbish to the pile, and was issued with a £250 Fixed Penalty Notice which she failed to pay.
The woman was then summoned to court where she pleaded guilty, before being fined £200 and ordered to pay £250 towards the council’s legal and investigation costs. She was also ordered to pay a £34 victim surcharge.
Cabinet Member for Public Realm, Cllr Lauren Townsend said: “Fly tipping has a domino effect where one person dumps illegal waste and others think it’s okay to add to it. Whether it’s by the road, behind your fence or in a field, fly tipping in any form simply isn’t acceptable.
Clearing dumped rubbish from our land costs us money that could be better spent elsewhere. Residents need to know that it just isn’t on and where we have evidence that a person has dumped waste, we will investigate and won’t hesitate to prosecute if necessary.”