Major regeneration plans for the Lakes Estate are taking shape with improvements to play areas and courtyards almost ready to unveil.
Local people have been involved in shaping the plans throughout. Now that essential ground investigations have been completed, Milton Keynes Council will shortly seek contractors to build the first phase of 202 new eco-friendly council homes, new community spaces and a nursery.
Architects are already on board, and have been asked to create home designs that reflect local people’s feedback. Architectural plans will be on display at the Spotlight Community Centre for residents to view from 23 February.
Proposals for the Lakes Estate were given planning consent in October 2020, following extensive engagement with the local community which began in 2017. In a ballot the following year, 93% of voters sought to demolish Serpentine Court and redevelop the estate. Wider public realm improvements are also in the plans.
MK Council will take a precautionary legal decision later this month which will give it powers to purchase any non-residential properties or land it needs to as part of the project. The Council must obtain these powers on legal grounds, but does not expect that it will need to use them.
Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities, Cllr Emily Darlington said: “We’re getting closer on this project and there is a real feeling of hope in the Lakes Estate. The community have put in a tremendous amount of work to get to this stage and we’re pleased that progress is being made.
“The new play parks and improved courtyards are happening and soon we’ll begin building much-needed new homes. Regen is about more than just housing. It is also about making sure that people have opportunities for jobs and to be healthier as well as the whole estate looking better.”