Milton Keynes Council is proposing to invest £2million to create 32 new and specialised teaching places for children with additional needs.
Milton Keynes is served by six special schools but as the city grows, the Council is anticipating more demand for additional specialist school places for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH).
Now, proposals are being considered to expand Stephenson Academy, an existing special school in Stantonbury with four new classrooms plus intervention and therapy spaces to help 32 pupils. In a recent informal consultation the proposals received universal support from parents and other participants.
A decision to confirm the proposed investment is set for 23 June.
In the past eight years, the Council has opened six new schools and expanded 24 others, creating thousands of new school places. The development of Stephenson Academy is proposed alongside an expansion of the age range to include Key Stage 2 pupils at the school.
"This critical project will allow the school to offer additional school places for pupils with special educational needs. As the city expands, we must ensure that no young people are left behind and that our network of local schools continues to support all families. Developing existing provision, alongside building sustainable new schools will remain a priority for this council.”
The project will be funded from the Council’s Special Provision Fund, a grant allocated to the Council directly from Government.