Milton Keynes City Council has launched a new campaign #itstimetoactMK to challenge all forms of domestic abuse. A series of bold messages highlight issues such as financial control and emotional abuse via online posts, short videos and printed materials.
The campaign is supported by a range of local partners including Thames Valley Police, Bucks Fire, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Community Action MK and the BLMK Integrated Care Board.
Specialist local support is available in the form of MK-Act, a service commissioned by the council to provide advice, counselling and in some cases, emergency accommodation for residents. MK-Act runs a confidential and dedicated web chat Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. You can also call 0344 375 4307 or visit www.mkact.com for more information.
Domestic abuse comes in many forms but all of them are life damaging. With this campaign, we want people to be able to recognise the different forms that domestic abuse can take and where to go for help. This new campaign is part of a city-wide effort across our police, health services and other local organisations to tackle abuse and support victims. Our message to anyone suffering abuse is that you are not alone, and help is available in Milton Keynes.
We’ve worked closely with our partner MK-Act, to create an easy to understand campaign that you can use online and in physical locations – from shops and parks to GP waiting rooms and reception areas. We’d ask everyone to get behind us and share these materials. It could make all the difference to someone.
In the past 12 months, MK-Act has supported more than 2,000 residents across its services including 58 women and 128 children who needed emergency refuge accommodation.