More than 3.5 tonnes of fly-tipped rubbish has been removed from a block of disused garages in Wolverton during a two-day clean-up operation led by Milton Keynes Council.
The garage block in Stacey Avenue, Wolverton had become a hotbed for unsightly and dangerous fly-tipping, with things like kitchen cupboards, fence panels, gas cannisters, BBQs and other household items all left dumped.
MK Council also found evidence of a rough sleeper living within the garage block, who’s since been identified and is being offered support from the Council’s Rough Sleeping team.
Cllr Lauren Townsend, Cabinet Member for Public Realm at MK Council said: “This is a perfect example of the domino effect of fly-tipping. When one offender dumps illegal waste others think it’s okay to add to the pile. We have zero tolerance to any form of fly-tipping and we’re cracking down on it in Milton Keynes. We need everyone to work together to help make our city cleaner, greener and safer. My thanks go out to colleagues who helped with this operation.”
Now that the Council-owned garages have been cleared, they can be readvertised to rent by local households.
Within the last year, MK Council’s Environmental Crime Unit has issued 77 Fixed Penalty Notices to fly-tippers and have submitted 25 fly-tipping case files for prosecution. The Council has also installed CCTV cameras in various fly-tipping hotspots within the borough and a team of Litter Wardens are currently on patrol across the city.
There’s simply no need to dump rubbish illegally in Milton Keynes. The Council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) are open seven days a week and residents can book same-day slots online at: https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/waste-recycling/community-recycling-centres-tips.
The Council also offers a bulky waste collection service to residents who cannot visit a HWRC: https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/waste-recycling/report-or-request-it/request-an-assisted-collection.