Today (21 September), is World Alzheimer's Day and Milton Keynes City Council is raising awareness of dementia and the local support available.
It is estimated that more than 2,400 people living in Milton Keynes have dementia. By 2030, the number of people with the condition in the city is set to jump to 4,240.
Dementia is a group of symptoms. It’s caused by different diseases that damage the brain. The symptoms get worse over time and can include memory loss, confusion, problems with language and understanding as well as changes in behaviour. There are many types of dementia, but Alzheimer’s disease is the most common.
The council is working closely with the UK’s leading dementia charity, Alzheimer’s Society to become a dementia-friendly city. The council-led partnership is working on a broad range of city-wide and local community projects, ranging from improvements to signage and building design through to new training and education programmes.
As a part of this work, the council is asking residents to consider becoming Dementia Friends. These are individuals that learn about dementia so they can help their local community. To find out more and become a Dementia Friend, please visit the www.dementiafriends.org.uk.
The council is also encouraging businesses and organisations that want to become more dementia friendly to contact AnnLouise.Taylor@alzheimers.org.uk.
“Alzheimer’s and dementia are affecting more and more families in MK including my own. I want to make MK a more dementia friendly place to live, work and visit and fight the isolation that often comes with the disease. We are building a community to support carers and their loved ones and hope other organisations and businesses will join us in creating a dementia friendly city where people are supported and can thrive.”
There is local support for people with dementia and their carers to maintain independence and quality of life. This includes the council’s Admiral Nurse Service who offer specialist advice and practical help to families and carers in complex situations. There is also the local Dementia Information and Support Service (DISS) run by Alzheimer’s Society. To find out more about local support visit the council’s dedicated webpage.
World Alzheimer's Day takes place as part of World Alzheimer's Month, a global opportunity to raise awareness whilst educating people on the reality for those with the condition. To learn more about World Alzheimer's Month, visit www.alzint.org.