(Above) Mayor of MK, Cllr Amanda Marlow with professionals at the event last week
A special event for families of young people with additional needs has been attended by more than 150 local people.
Families received information and support from various organisations and services across Milton Keynes including the council, health services and the private sector. Children and young people enjoyed arts and crafts, dance, and glass painting workshops.
The event was organised by PACA MK, an independent and voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs and the MK Special Educational Needs and Disability Service (SENDIAS) commissioned by MK Council. It was hosted at MK Council’s development centre in Galley Hill.
"We were incredibly pleased to see so many parents join us on the day. It was a good opportunity for us to talk to families and understand their needs and concerns. Thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday to hold the information stalls and workshops, the children certainly enjoyed seeing Field of Dreams. For our upcoming events, please check our website www.pacamk.org."
“The move from virtual back to physical events has been a real boost to our SEND community. I would like to thank everybody who was involved in delivering this event and making it such a success. The strong relationship between the Council, PACA and our independent advice service will allow us to continue building on the support available to local families.”
The MK Special Educational Needs and Disability Service (SENDIAS) offers confidential and impartial information, training, advice and support to children and young people with additional needs and their parents/carers.
To contact the team, you can call their free, independent and confidential advice line on 01908 254 518 from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday or email contact@mksendias.org.uk
To learn about future events visit Events | MK SENDIAS or sign up for the MK SEND newsletter by emailing Rosie.Allen@milton-keynes.gov.uk