• The lift at Central Library is out of order. There is a selection of adult fiction books in the Reference Library on the ground floor. Please ask a member of staff if you need help accessing services on the first floor. We're sorry for any inconvenience.
Stories, songs and rhymes
Parents should remain in the library while their children are at any of the sessions.
Online storytimes
We have a collection of online stories, songs, poems and signed stories on our YouTube Channel. In order to comply with publisher permissions, some recordings are 'unlisted' and can't be found with a general search so be sure to browse our unlisted stories playlist.
Storytimes at your libraries
These sessions are all free and there is no need to book - just drop-in on the day. Click on the session links to see the dates when story times are running.
- 10-10.30am - Baby song and rhyme time (Under 2s) at Central Library
- 10.45-11.15am - Storytime at Central Library
- 11.15-11.45am - Storytime at Woburn Sands Library
- 10-10.30am - Storytime at Bletchley Library
- 10-10.30am - Storytime at Kingston Library
- 10-10.30am - Storytime at Stony Stratford Library
- 10-10.30am - Storytime at Newport Pagnell Library
- 10-10.30am - Storytime at Westcroft Library
- 2-2.30pm - Storytime at Wolverton Library
Olney Library Monthly Storytimes
- Storytimes at Olney Library are brought to you by Folio (Friends of the Library in Olney) with a different theme each month.
- Storytimes are held on the last Saturday of each month at 11-11.30am.
- Stories, songs and rhymes are aimed at children Under 7 but all are welcome.
- Parents and carers must remain with their children throughout the sessions.
- Sessions are free to attend but voluntary contributions are appreciated.
From time to time other children's activities may take place and will be advertised on the event and activity information webpage.
Milton Keynes City Council Libraries contact information
- 01908 254050
Milton Keynes Central Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3HL