• The lift at Central Library is out of order. There is a selection of adult fiction books in the Reference Library on the ground floor. Please ask a member of staff if you need help accessing services on the first floor. We're sorry for any inconvenience.
Library display policy
The mission of the Library Service is to provide an open door to information, reading, imagination, learning and culture, enhancing people’s lives and supporting the growth and health of our community.
The service recognises that libraries:
- Are for people of all ages who live in, work in or visit the area.
- Provide information, culture and entertainment as well as learning services.
- Offer free or low-cost opportunities that have a community focus.
- Provide an important gateway to other services.
Libraries have an important role in disseminating information and ideas to local people. Displays are an important way of doing this.
The council’s policy is to display posters and leaflets in libraries:
- To ensure individuals have access to information about local resources and activities.
- To ensure local non-commercial organisations, including the council, can disseminate information widely.
- To reflect positive images of the communities and activities the services deliver.
The council does not support the dissemination of information that undermines the wellbeing of the council, the borough or any of the communities within it.
The following posters and leaflets should usually be displayed in libraries if space is available:
- Those relating to Milton Keynes City Council and Town or Parish Councils within the Milton Keynes City Council area.
- Those produced by official Central Government departments, agencies, and other government linked and accredited organisations.
- Those produced by essential public services, including health and police authorities; Post Office; gas; water; electricity; public transport and telecommunications companies and their national and local consumer bodies.
The following posters and leaflets may be displayed in libraries if space is available:
- Those produced by organisations receiving financial support from any of the above e.g. MK Community Action, Area Museums Council, English Tourist Board, Citizens Advice, Samaritans etc.
- Those containing information with a local educational or cultural context e.g. local lectures, exhibitions, plays, musical performances, museums, and houses open to the public etc.
- Those relating to local charitable events including fund raising e.g. local branches of NSPCC, Age UK, and RSPCA.
- Those advertising local social or sporting activities e.g. local clubs, music groups.
- Those advertising local religious groups, meetings, and services.
- Those advertising surgeries held by parish and Milton Keynes Councillors and MPs.
- Those advertising meetings organised by the main registered political parties (Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Labour, Greens) where the content of the advertisement is for information only, displays no apparent bias and is open to anyone to attend.
The following materials may be displayed in libraries if space is available:
- Plaques and notices that recognise specific events (e.g. opening of a library).
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship and donations. These would normally be temporary notices to thank donors.
The following materials will not be displayed in libraries:
- Material which is illegal, inflammatory or offensive in tone.
- Material that advertises pressure or campaign groups.
- Collecting boxes (except library collecting boxes).
- Petitions.
- Any material that has not been agreed and displayed through the Milton Keynes City Council libraries.
- Any material that does not provide a clear indication of its source.
- Information about childcare providers.
- Information about tutoring services.
Library-related information and events will be promoted on the library website, and other social media. Other activities and events will not generally be displayed unless linked to a Library Friends Group.
Other factors:
- Staff discretion: The library manager or nominee will have discretion over which material is displayed.
- Larger materials: These will only be displayed at the discretion of the library manager or nominee.
- Quality: Posters and notices should be of reasonable quality and appearance, preferably printed on plain display paper.
- Display time: One month will be the usual maximum, or up to the date of a specified event, whichever is the earliest.
- Display notice space may not be available in the smaller libraries.
- Commercial notices: Those which fall within the general display guidelines may be displayed for a fee, at the discretion of the library manager or nominee. The current charges are £10 per month for A4/A5 and £20 per month for A3 if space is available. Notices will normally be put up for 4 weeks following payment; at the end of the display period, they will usually be discarded.
- External surfaces: Members of the public may not put materials on the external walls, floors or pillars which are council property.
Exhibitions, larger displays, events and public consultations in libraries
Libraries welcome approaches from council departments, public services, local organisations, community groups, societies and individuals who wish to stage exhibitions to promote their services, activities, artwork etc. or to consult members of the public about issues. The following apply:
- Any material exhibited must meet the general display guidelines.
- Libraries have varying amounts of space available for exhibitions, and varying facilities, such as display boards and cases; please apply to individual libraries for details.
- Exhibitions must not interfere with library activities.
- Insurance in respect of exhibitions is the responsibility of exhibitor; library staff are not responsible for looking after exhibitions on library premises.
- There will be charges for holding these events at libraries and if any items are for sale, the Milton Keynes City Council libraries will receive an agreed commission for items sold. Please contact the Milton Keynes City Council libraries or go to the library website for the latest prices for holding exhibitions, events and room hire.
- Libraries are ideal venues for council departments and commercial organisations to hold public consultations lasting one or several days. Our website can also be used. Enquiries about public consultations should be made to the Milton Keynes City Council libraries. A reasonable charge is made for the use of library premises for public consultations.
(Updated December 2022)
Milton Keynes City Council Libraries contact information
- 01908 254050
Milton Keynes Central Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3HL