• The lift at Central Library is out of order. There is a selection of adult fiction books in the Reference Library on the ground floor. Please ask a member of staff if you need help accessing services on the first floor. We're sorry for any inconvenience.
Friends groups and Milton Keynes City Council libraries
Please email us if you would like to know more about Friends groups.
We are in challenging and changing times and libraries are rapidly becoming even more indispensable to their local communities. Friends groups can help support and enhance libraries in our local communities.
Friends groups provide an important contribution to support and maintain awareness of a library in a local community. They work in partnership with Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) libraries and local library teams. Their support helps to promote the role of MKCC libraries which provides access to resources and information, encourages reading, improves literacy and contributes to learning, health and wellbeing.
What do Friends groups do?
Friends groups are involved in and support a wide range of activities. These can include:
- fundraising activities
- obtaining sponsorship
- supporting activities in libraries
- supporting the recruitment of volunteers
- delivering additional programmes of events and activities to complement those provided by the libraries (like local fetes and festivals)
- acting as champions for the library
- providing valuable feedback about services
They don't replace library staff.
Friends groups are also a great way of meeting new people and helping out the local community. They can be fun and creative and help put libraries at the heart of their communities. It can be very rewarding for the group and the individuals involved.
How do Friends groups operate?
- All Friends groups need to be constituted and have elected members and processes in place.
- They need to have insurance cover for any activities they provide outside of library opening times.
- They need to reflect the range of social, ethnic and cultural groups and individuals of all ages and backgrounds served by the library.
- They need to have a core of keen people willing to make time for it as well as having access to a wide range of skills.
- They will need to recruit members, decide whether to have a subscription fee and maintain their financial arrangements.
- They will need to decide how often the committee meet and how often it will be subject to election.
How will Milton Keynes City Council libraries help?
- Friends groups will be supported by MKCC Libraries.
- We'll provide information about what the libraries need and we'll let you know how your financial contributions have helped.
- We'll work together and plan events and activities that compliment each other to avoid calendar clashes.
- We'll ensure library staff help to make libraries available for you to hold meetings and activities either during or outside normal opening hours.
FoSSL - Friends of Stony Stratford Library
The Friends of Stony Stratford Library represents the interests of users of the library and provides a way for users, staff and Milton Keynes City Council to communicate.
If you would like to find out more about FoSSL please ask at the library or email the FoSSL Group directly.
Folio - Friends of the Library in Olney
Folio was started by Olney community volunteers to assist adding value to Olney Library and keep it at the heart of the Olney community.
If you would like to find out more about Friends of Olney Library please ask at the library or email the Olney Folio Group directly.
- Folio run a programme of talks which can be seen on the events and activity information web page.
- Folio have also set up a regular reading group called the Folio Book Club.
- You can keep up to date with Olney Library on the Folio Facebook Page.
Milton Keynes City Council Libraries contact information
- 01908 254050
Milton Keynes Central Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3HL