Bletchley Library

The Knit and Natter group at Bletchley Library meets from 10.30am-12noon every Wednesday and Saturday.

Beginners and experts are all welcome.  Admission is free.

Central Library

The Knit, Natter and Stitch group meets at Central Library from 1-3pm every Tuesday in the foyer.

Beginners and experts are all welcome and projects from any 'stitching' crafts are included - like knitting, crochet, cross-stitch. The sessions are drop-in - just come along on the day.

Kingston Library

The Knit and Natter group at Kingston Library meets from 1-3pm every Wednesday.

Everyone is welcome to join in - just bring along your project and start nattering!

Westcroft Library

The Westcroft Knitters meet at Westcroft Library from 2-3.30pm every Wednesday.

Beginners and experts are all welcome.  Admission is free.

Woburn Sands Library

The Knit and Natter group at Woburn Sands Library meets from 2-3.30pm every Friday.

Beginners and experts of all ages are welcome to join us. It's not just knitting - you can bring along your cross stitch or crochet project too and start nattering!

Wolverton Library

The Knit, Natter and Stitch group meets at Wolverton Library from 1-2.30pm on the first Thursday of every month.

Beginners and experts are all welcome.  Admission is free.