Housing Performance and Data


It is important to us that we are providing a quality service to all our residents.

We are committed to being transparent about our performance and sharing any improvements.

In this page, you will find:

  • What we are measuring ourselves against
  • When to expect the next performance update
  • Any improvements we have made as a result

Measures and the next performance update

Consumer Standards 

From 1st April 2024, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced New Consumer Standards. The standards define the outcomes that landlords must deliver for tenants. The Government will assess how well landlords deliver the outcomes and take action if needed. Find what this means to you as a tenant.


Tenant Perception Survey  

The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced new Tenancy Satisfaction Measures (TSM) that will enable residents to scrutinize MKCC's performance and give us insight about where we can improve. The Tenant Perception Survey captures residents' perspectives.


Landlord Measures  

The Landlord Measures represent the second part of TSM introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing. Here we measure our performance in areas like repairs, health and safety, and complaints. Landlord Measures capture landlords' perspectives.

Results LIVE 

Complaints Handling Code 

Good practice set by the Housing Ombudsman on how to handle complaints to increase residents' awareness of their rights and service improvements. Here you will find our self-assessments against the code, which we carry out every year, and the things we are going to improve as a result.

Results LIVE 

Local Authority Housing Statistics 

We report a wide range of housing statistics to the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) so they can assess and develop housing policies. Our performance can be compared with all other housing providers in the country.

NOV 2023 

Local Authority Data Returns 

The Local Authority Data Return (LADR) is an annual census conducted by the Regulator of Social Housing and completed by all registered Local Authority providers (providers) in England. We use the data as an evidence base for our strategies and policies.

SEP 2023 

Rent Affordability and Market Context Report 

This annual report intends to provide information and context on the current social housing and open market rented properties sector for Milton Keynes and neighbouring areas, and how MKCC rents compares to them.

MAR 2024 

Things we have improved in 2022/23

  • reviewed communication to ensure we meet customer expectations in the future
  • acting upon feedback from residents through housing consultation
  • new reporting tool introduced to manage performance
  • dedicated housing complaints page for residents
  • Our housing matters - impact made