Area 6 – Olney
Route 234 – High Street, Olney
Improves connectivity and conditions for people walking and cycling through Olney Town Centre
Introduce a one-way system on the roads adjacent to the High Street - East Street and West Street
Improves and upgrades crossing points giving priority to people on the Redway
3m shared use Redway along Conygere and Silver End
'Destination’ cycle parking facilities at the end of the Redway / entrance to Town Centre - covered and secure cycle parking, tool station, pump, Town / facilities Map and Events list. Dropped kerbs to rejoin the road
5m segregated Redway (2m footway and 3m cycleway) providing separate space for people walking and cycling along the High Street
Change parking provision on one side of the High Street to 2m wide parallel parking bays
Option A:
Route 249 – Yardley Road, Olney
Connects the north of Olney, improving access for people walking and cycling to Olney Middle School and the Town Centre
Improves and upgrades crossing points giving priority to people on the Redway
Yardley Road, between West Street and Hoppers Hill one-way northbound
3m shared use Redway between West Street and Hoppers Hill
Option A:
5m segregated Redway (2m footway and 3m cycleway) on Yardley Road from Hoppers Hill to Stilebrook Road providing separate space for people walking and cycling
Option B:
3m shared use Redway from Hoppers Hill to Stilebrook Road