Report an issue with a road sign
All signs on the highway are regulated by the Department for Transport and are authorised by MK City Council as the Highway Authority for Milton Keynes. Any illegal signs or advertising banners will be removed for safety reasons and to prevent damage to our assets. This also includes vehicles deliberately parked on the highway to advertise to passing traffic and estate agent signs.
Under the Highway Act 1980, it is an offence to place goods or signs on the highways which cause an obstruction or include commercial advertising. Any advertising will require planning consent too.
If you are responsible for placing unauthorised signs or items on the highways, you may be liable for legal action against you should there be an accident or damage caused by the items you've placed without permission on the highway. This includes any damage to our assets that you may have placed your items on.
If you see any illegal signs on the highway, please let us know by emailing our Highways team.
To report a damaged, missing or faded sign use the Report It section
Directional Signs
These are the large green or white signs on the road network directing road users to the M1, A5 and other key routes. If one of these signs is damaged, please report it to us. If the sign is dirty or obscured by vegetation, report it to the Street Cleansing or Landscape team on the Report It section.
Request New Signs including Brown Tourist Signs
If you want to request a sign to direct road users to your leisure facility, place of interest or community space or venue for example, please read our policy which covers all the criteria and costs for requesting a sign.
MKCC Policy on Requesting New Signs
Street Name Plates
These are the small signs with a road name or house numbers on in residential areas. These help emergency services and delivery drivers locate a property. We prioritise any repairs or replacements as follows:
- completely missing or fully faded signs
- damaged but still readable/faded but still readable
We will not usually relocate a street name plate unless it is considered to be in a vulnerable place and there is a suitable nearby space to move it on the adopted highway.
The full list of street name plates to be repaired or replaced in 2024/2025 can be viewed here.
Report an issue with a sign or bollard
If a damaged sign or bollard is causing a potential threat to public safety e.g. exposed wires or blocking the public highway, contact us straight away on:
01908 252353 during office hours (Monday to Friday 9am - 5:15pm)
01908 226699 evenings, Bank Holidays and weekends
Please only use the above to report an emergency. For non-emergencies, you can report a problem with a sign or bollard to us including:
- Signs covered by tree branches, bushes or other vegetation
- Dirty signs that are not clear to read
- Damaged and broken signs
- Illuminated signs that are no longer lit
- Broken, damaged or missing bollards including yellow Redway bollards.